

Welcome to the Sports and Human Performance Nutrition DPG Website!



Welcome to the New Sports and Human Performance Nutrition Website!

The Recording bundle is available for purchase in the eatrightSTORE!

Sessions are available as a bundle ONLY and are not being sold individually.     

Access Recordings Here

Fueling the Future - Innovation in Sports Nutrition!

Join SHPN for a Monthly Networking Event!

Meet and network virtually with your colleagues, students, and experts within the field. Each month SHPN will host a networking event for general networking, highlight an individual within the field, or to discuss prominent topics within sports nutrition.  These networking events are open to anyone so feel free to invite your colleagues, students, or anyone you know within the field!

Click here to learn more!

The Early Bird Registration Deadline for the
SHPN 2025 Symposium
has been extended to Monday, February 17th!


Join SHPN Today!

Active Membership

Active members can enjoy all the benefits the Academy has to offer, including career, professional and continuing education resources. The Academy’s main, professional membership category encompasses:

  • RDNs,
  • NDTRs,
  • Individuals who have completed accredited dietetics education programs, and
  • Individuals with advanced degrees in an approved area of concentration.

SHPN Dues: $35

Student Membership

The Academy’s membership category for pre-professionals enrolled in (or stating their intent to enroll in) an approved dietetics education program. Student category members enjoy reduced dues while gaining access to the vast majority of benefits Active members enjoy, including career resources and scholarships.

SHPN Dues: $20

Retired Membership

Individuals who have retired from dietetics practice and are at least 62 years of age qualify for reduced dues so they may maintain their Academy membership to remain connected to their profession and colleagues. Retired category members enjoy all the privileges and benefits of the Active membership category while also qualifying for discounts on a variety of Academy products and services.

SHPN Dues: $17.50

Member Spotlight

Anthony Paradis, MS, MA, RD, CSSD, CSCS, USAPL - SHPN's 2024-25 Chair

Tony is a board certified sports dietitian and certified strength coach with a combined 17 years experience in human performance working with athletes and programs at the amateur, collegiate, and professional level. He is formerly the director of Olympic sports nutrition for the South Carolina Gamecocks and director of sports nutrition for Tennessee Tech University. He is currently a Human Performance Systems Specialist for the Army P3T program.


Paula A. Quatromoni, DSc, RD - SHPN's 2024-25 Past Chair

Paula is a tenured Associate Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology, researcher, and department chair at Boston University (BU). Her research focuses on eating disorders treatment and prevention, eating disorders in sport, child health promotion, dietary patterns, and cardiometabolic disease. In 2004, she pioneered the sports nutrition services at BU. At Walden Behavioral Care where she is a Senior Consultant providing mentorship to the RD team, she led the creation of the GOALS Program, an athlete-specific eating disorder treatment intensive outpatient program. Paula studied Nutrition at the University of Maine, was a dietetic intern at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, and earned a doctorate in Epidemiology at the BU School of Public Health. A member of the Academy for over 35 years and of SCAN/SHPN since 2005, she is an award-winning teacher, preceptor, and mentor.

Educational Resources

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Webinars are among the many benefits offered to members! Most webinars offer CPE credits! All can be purchased in the eatrightSTORE. Webinars are generally available to SHPN members for free, Academy members for $24.00, and non-members for $54.00.

SHPN 2025 Symposium - Join us virtually as we explore the cutting edge of sports nutrition, where advanced technology meets human physiology!  Visit this webpage for more details

SHPN 2024 Symposium Recordings - Visit this webpage for more details

FREE fact sheets on topics of interest to sports dietitians, exercise professionals, athletes, and the general public!

View SHPN's Webinars


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The Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) has developed a certification in Sports Dietetics - Board Certification as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). Board Certification is granted in recognition of an applicant's documented practice experience and successful completion of an examination in the specialty area.

Learn More