Examine® Database


SHPN offers its members a FREE Examine+ subscription!

Examine provides unbiased health and nutrition information.

SHPN members have access to:
  • The Examine Supplement Guides
  • The Examine Database
  • The Research Feed of the latest studies, summarized and categorized by experts and
  • Earn CPEUs at no extra charge
Examine is the result of an ongoing literature review of the latest studies. The Examine team synthesizes their evidence-based findings in an easy-to-read format, providing immediate answers to questions related to nutrition and supplements. This product is designed to save you time, provide the most up-to-date-information in a timely way, and contribute to consumer protection by saving your clients money and showing what does and doesn’t work for their health.

~ SHPN members - please be sure you are logged in to the SHPN website to gain access.


